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  • 加州桑尼維爾 - 2014年11月4日 - 思博倫通信今天推出了Spirent TestCenter的REST API。REST 界面的推出對於2-3層測試設備而言是領先的標誌,加強了Spirent TestCenter在虛擬環境中的使用,並為各種不同的自動化環境提供了前所未有的靈活性。


    軟件產業已經發展到需要更加靈活和高效的技術。具體來說,REST,或Representational State Transfer (表述性狀態轉移) 已成為軟件行業佔主導地位的架構風格,當應用程序逐漸遷移到雲環境和移動設備。從自動化的角度來看,REST的API也已成為擁有超過7000公佈的API的主導性模式。 REST API允許測試設備很容易地與待測設備協調,以快速提供測試解決方案。


    “網絡行業正在迅速走向REST的API,”托德羅博士,網絡測試自動化論壇(NTAF)副總裁,也是思博倫通信兼產品經理說。 “這是自然的,我們應該為Spirent TestCenter,業界領先的L2-3測試平台,提供一個REST API。這是一個非常適合我們的客戶在NFV和SDN領域來開發虛擬解決方案,並鞏固我們的策略來靈活適應客戶多樣化的測試實驗室。“


    Sunnyvale, Calif. – November 4, 2014 – Spirent Communications today announced the general availability of REST API for Spirent TestCenter. The introduction of a REST interface marks an industry first for Layer 2-3 test equipment, enhances the use of Spirent TestCenter in virtual environments, and delivers unprecedented flexibility for diverse automation environments.


    The broader software industry has evolved to embrace more flexible and efficient technologies. Specifically, REST, or Representational State Transfer, has become the dominant architectural style in the software industry as applications migrate to cloud environments and mobile devices. From an automation perspective, REST APIs have also become the dominant model with more than 7,000 published APIs . REST APIs allow test equipment to easily be orchestrated with devices under test and other service components to rapidly deliver test solutions.


    “The networking industry is rapidly moving towards REST APIs,” said Dr. Todd Law, vice president of the Network Test Automation Forum (NTAF) and product manager at Spirent Communications. “It’s natural that we should provide a REST API for Spirent TestCenter, the industry’s leading L2-3 test platform. It’s an excellent fit for our customers developing virtual solutions in the NFV and SDN spaces, and underpins our strategy to be flexible and fit into diverse customer test labs.”


    “Customers who automate their test environments typically use Tcl or sometimes Perl to write scripts for their automation, but the basic paradigm hasn’t changed much over 15 years. Since REST is where developers are headed en masse, we are confident that the future of network test automation also lies with REST,” added Law.